
An Old Grocery List…..And Mind/Body Coach Training

Hi! I have been on a writing hiatus, though I am not sure why, but I am back. : ) I taught three workshops, resulting in eight individual classes over the spring, at RRMC (Rutland Regional Medical Center). I met some extraordinary people attending the classes. Participants came to find […]

Do You Know a Sociopath when You Meet One? Or, “Sociopaths 101”

I have been doing some research about Narcissists and Sociopaths lately so that I can reach a better understanding of them. I know that many of us and many clients have encountered these personalities in life. Our desire to “be nice” often causes us to be open to the chaos […]

Truth Serum? – Take It!

Throughout my life there have been many times that I have been lost in sadness, disappointment, or anger. This is part of the human experience I know. I have to say that I am much more at peace now that I know that I know the greatest tool from my […]

Never Say Never, Or How I Began Doing Bikram (Hot) Yoga

I have done yoga, alone in my bedroom, off and on for a few years. I am not particularly flexible nowadays, but once I was fairly so. I had a health problem in the beginning of the year and since then I had done no yoga at all. My older […]

Who’s Your “Everybody”?

I was walking yesterday, in the beautiful fall weather here in Vermont, and was thinking about the upcoming talk on stress that I am doing later this week at the Rutland Regional Medical Center. I was going through the list of stress factors for the presentation and got to our […]

Dropping Fears

I recently read a blog post from one of my mentors, Terry DeMeo, http://www.thewayfinderpost.com/life-begins-at-the-edge-of-your-comfort-zone/, as seen on the Wayfinder Post. This blog was about reclaiming courage over fear of heights, which I can relate to and this brought me to a related thought about where these fears come from, how […]