
What Are You Yearning For?

What is yearning? It is the call of our soul to lead us to our right path. Whenever we are following this yearning it leads to feeling good. When we feel good, more good happens. When we are on the right path we likely will find that we treat ourselves […]

Silence Is Golden

When I was young I felt the need to fill any quiet moment of time with my talking. I was a chatterbox. I would follow my mother around the house when I got home from school everywhere she went, telling her each detail of my day, moment by moment. The […]

Hello You Hero

Definition of hero from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 1
a :  a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability
 b :  an illustrious warrior
 c :  a person admired for achievements and noble qualities
 d :  one who shows great courage Since I have been involved […]

Lingerie and Lip Service

What to do when an ordinary, little like trauma strikes. Recently my daughter Leah and I were out at a mall and she had a discount coupon for undies at a well-know lingerie store. In we went to grab the deal. As she checked out she was looking down, putting […]

An Old Grocery List…..And Mind/Body Coach Training

Hi! I have been on a writing hiatus, though I am not sure why, but I am back. : ) I taught three workshops, resulting in eight individual classes over the spring, at RRMC (Rutland Regional Medical Center). I met some extraordinary people attending the classes. Participants came to find […]

Life Is Like A Box of Chocolates, or, Meet My Grandmother

Life is a box of chocolates at one-hundred! My Grandmother turned one-hundred in October of 2014. It is a major achievement for someone to live to this milestone, and it is also a wonderful opportunity to appreciate what it takes to live for this long. I have been thinking about […]