Don’t Be A Turkey! No, On Second Thought, Be A Turkey!

It is late in the year and something a bit different is occurring in nature in our area. We are seeing more wild animals than usual and it is because there is less of their natural food available in the woods. There are few acorns or beechnuts from the trees, […]


The Perfect Wedding

We were invited with the whole of our extended family to a beautiful bay in mid-coast Maine for a family wedding.  The weekend turned out to be one of awe and inspiration for my family members and friends who shared the ideal wedding day with the bride and groom. I […]

Support = Release

Support = Release is a reference to something I have been doing a lot lately. I have periodically experienced lower back pain….along with neck, shoulders, hips, elbows, migraines……you get the idea. Anyway, the focus right now is my back. I love to travel but my lower back does not. In […]

The Seasons are Changing. Is it Time for You to Change Too?

I have been picking up lots of fallen sticks lately. They are coming down from the trees because of the fall winds. My husband calls this “natural pruning”. He was educated as a wildlife biologist early in life so after many years, I still hear lots of biology jargon. The […]