Three Keys to Live Well to One Hundred and Two

Two years ago I wrote a blog about my Grandmother, as she was turning one hundred. This week she turned one hundred and two! She is still very much here with us. In honoring her, I invite you to read her story and be inspired. You will find that previous […]


Rushing. I have been recently reading the book, “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. In this book she helps people move beyond their blocks to either discover or rediscover their creativity. It gives the opportunity for some good self-reflection. I often find an overwhelming sense of rushing present. I have […]

Managing Tough Stuff

Life’s transitions and difficulties are no small thing. Our ability to survive them is aided by one small thing we can provide ourselves. How do we come back from difficulty in life? Clients often want to know the answer to this question, especially while in the midst of great transition […]

On Becoming Your Superpower

Our embarrassing experiences as children can erode self-confidence or can direct us to our superpowers. Find out how to discover your superpowers! I recently had a session with a client, and she was wondering when it was that as children we begin to lose confidence. I’ve thought about that, and […]

Lingerie and Lip Service

What to do when an ordinary, little like trauma strikes. Recently my daughter Leah and I were out at a mall and she had a discount coupon for undies at a well-know lingerie store. In we went to grab the deal. As she checked out she was looking down, putting […]

A Lesson in Christmas Kisses

Last night my husband put some final touches on his decorating, by placing an entire bag of Hershey’s Kisses on two small plates in front of Santa and some crafted birch trees on our living room sofa table. When I went to bed after he and Georgie, our pug, I […]

It Takes One To Know One…..Or, You Spot It, You Got It!

A client recently shared with me her observation about another woman, who she was very impressed with and wished she was more like. I asked her what about the woman was so appealing, and she replied that it was her command of leadership. The woman walked into a store, and […]

An Old Grocery List…..And Mind/Body Coach Training

Hi! I have been on a writing hiatus, though I am not sure why, but I am back. : ) I taught three workshops, resulting in eight individual classes over the spring, at RRMC (Rutland Regional Medical Center). I met some extraordinary people attending the classes. Participants came to find […]

Do You Know a Sociopath when You Meet One? Or, “Sociopaths 101”

I have been doing some research about Narcissists and Sociopaths lately so that I can reach a better understanding of them. I know that many of us and many clients have encountered these personalities in life. Our desire to “be nice” often causes us to be open to the chaos […]